Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Erotique Star Wars Movie : Meet The Cast

Without the awesome cast for this film it would have fallen well short on the diversity needed to create the end result. Well known Star Wars looks, and characters were essential. Each cast member helped a huge amount to give the movie its finished look.

This Blog Post throws the spotlight on each cast member ( In no particular order. ). Giving them the thanks they deserve.

Serenity Kristan-Faulds
One of our fugitive jedi's goes under cover.

Louise Kristan-Faulds
Jedi L'ou. Making the best of things at Jabba's Palace.

Parthenea 'Partee' Mytilene.
Partee, along with Ali appeared in some of the earliest scenes to be filmed. One of two sexy slave girls out for some fun in the Tatooine Desert.

Ali Lancrae
Filming could not have got off to a better start. Ali and Partee providing us with two of the Pornstars sexiest actresses.

Edvard Taurion
Edvard plays a pretty devious and very horny guard of Jabba The Hutt!

Jinx Jiersen
Dashing scoundrel Jinx is on his way to rescue or capture our Jedi heroes?

Mirko Panacek
One area where we have the real Star Wars beat! Our Cantina Barman is much better looking!

Véronica HotBlond
We had the honor of giving Veronica her movie debut. As a sexy Cantina patron.

Bewitched Difference
Be plays a Cantina dancer girl. Who is more than happy to take part in the floor show!

Rachel Swallows
Rachel is one of the Cantina's naughty guests! Inspired by the live sex show!

Randy Cantina patron Crow. Soon gets into the swing of things.

Ashley ( Amosa Suger plum. )
A super sexy Cantina Dancer girl. Ashley really helped set the scene.

Moonie sexes up Jabba's Palace as a very hot Slave Girl!

Ryu Quasimodo
Ryu was such a natural! In his role as one of Jabba's horny henchmen.

Rachel Christine Avro
Rache provided us with even more of a sexy back drop to Jabba's Palace as another dancing Slave Girl.

Kelli Kristan
A Twi'lek with something extra! Kelli looked awesome as another of Jabba's girls.

Kirsten Smith
The sexiest Clone Trooper. Kirsten appears multiple times in many scenes of the movie. More from her in part 2!

Katina Cazalet
Kat not only provided yet another sexy slave girl for Jabba. But also played iconic characters Boba Fett and Darth Vader!

Yana Grau
A suitably sexy cameo for Yana. getting the party started in Jabba's Palace!

Sam Hanks
Sam landed to watch the threesome in the Cantina being shot with Be, Rachel, and Crow. We wanted to give him a role though. So he put together this awesome outfit. Appearing as a Cantina guest.

Watch The Movie

Friday, 21 November 2014

Serenity : VIE Femme

I had a huge Honor of being featured over on Thorgal's masterpiece of a Online Magazine 'VIE' a mens Second Life Style publication. If you've not seen it, check it out Here!

It is a superb 'Lads Mag'. However it's great entertainment for both sexes. Thorgal produces awesome movies and the departure into this project is every bit as good, imaginative, sexy, fun, and as well done as his other projects.

There is also a great team hard at work helping to deliver 'VIE'. I was lucky enough to be shot by the lovely Rachel Swallows. Who is an all time great Pornstar, and somebody i have been lucky enough to work with, shooting, and shot by this year. Doing this one, and filming her in our upcoming 'Erotique Star Wars' Movie.

Thanks so much everybody involved.

VIE's Femme: Serenity Kristan-Faulds

Another 2 week cycle... another VIE's Femme. And this time again we managed to find a gorgeous lady who simply seems to define what the VIE Femme is all about. Sexiest Award 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award winner, successful blogger/writer on what's probably the most popular SL adult blog around, producer and actress of several very erotic and successful movies... need I go on? VIE Men's Second Lifestyle proudly presents the next VIE Femme:
 -- Serenity Kristan-Faulds --

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Erotique's Star Wars : Update #1

On the set. Louise and Serenity.

I thought I'd write an update for all those cast in the Erotique Star Wars movie, and any of you who may be interested in how it's going.

We're breaking the project down into chapters and taking them to a complete finish before moving on to the next one. Then I'll stitch these sections together at the end for a complete movie. So this means that rather than filming the whole thing, then settling down to edit and do visual effects, and sound and everything else you might want to do in post production i am doing it all bit by bit as i go along.

Unfortunately if we happen to have you slated for a later 'chapter' this means a bit of a wait I'm afraid, but we will be in touch and give you plenty of notice, most importantly you've not been forgotten!

The reason I'm producing these sections to a complete finish is, firstly the movie is quite complicated, and i want to know it all works before i move on, there is also an issue of Hard Drive space for me, and lastly the logistics are just so much that it helps to have things a little less daunting and approach it this way.

I'm really happy myself and Louise have a good story to tell, which throws up plenty of scope for fun, sexiness, and lots of must see Star Wars characters and elements.

I guess it's been in production now about a month, a lot of that time was spent on the opening scenes, which were pretty intense visual effects shots, and the traditional Star wars opening crawl and space scenes were a must to include for me and i wanted to get those right. We have just begun shooting the cast, with Ali and Partee looking amazing on set and now in the finished 'Chapter Two'. As things stand right now we have 6 minutes and 30 seconds of 100% completed movie.

I am very happy with the movie so far, loving working with Louise on it, really enjoying the building, shooting, and post production effects. Each Chapter presents a new challenge and is like a whole new movie.

Serenity. xox

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

New Pics : Serenity 'Front & Rear'

A set which continues on from my shots of Louise last week. Against a simple white washed wall back drop. Which i hope throws all the focus where it's intended. Hope you enjoy these latest glamour shots. x

Saturday, 5 July 2014

One Sere Two Lou's

The great thing about Second Life is the way you can constantly evolve and modernize your looks, myself and the person most close to me my wife Louise have really evolved the looks we had many years ago, when we met each other and before that too. We are really updated versions of the Av's we have always been.

Of course, Second Life also gives you the opportunity to go in any directions you wish with your looks for fun, or whatever reasons you may have. It is really a thrill to spend time with a lover after a session like this! I'm very lucky, Louise's red head day to day look is my most favourite in all of Second Life. Stunning, and a classical beauty. But we also both love to dress up, and have the novelty of a brand new look at home or out some place fun.

I thought this would make a good subject for a shoot, and using some photo trickery, and Photo shop I posed with two Louise's at once! Also shooting them individually below. I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

Look out for these and more pics on my Flickr Right HERE!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Sere & Lou 'Sketched' On Android

I can't take the credit for these erotic sketches unfortunately. They are created purely by technology. On 'Portrait Sketch' a free, neat, and very easy to use App from Google Play Store. I found it recently in the 'Trending' section of the site, usually a good indicator of something pretty useful, or fun.

I was able to quickly download my Flickr images on the Android Tablet, and test 'Portrait Sketch' right away. Using some pics of myself and Louise.

There is lots of settings to experiment with, but even as a novice first time user, the simple interface makes nice results possible straight away. I feel they actually look like sketches far more than some filters on some expensive photo tools software I've used.

Have fun with it!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Wowmeh And The Brazil World Cup 2014

See it here on FLICKR!

With the World Cup under way in Brazil, I felt inspired to do a new Flickr pic. I hope you check it out at the above link. Also love the way this pic showcases the mesh Wowmeh body.

I'll use this space to have a little rant now....

LL really need to review things following the DCMA filed against Wowmeh. As you know they have had to cease trading. All over the Internet DCMA's are filed and we see things like Youtube links gone and all sorts of stuff taken down immediately. This also applies to items for sale on Market Place and in Second Life.

This is hot on the heels of bullying and harassment of Luck Inc, and the taking down of the Phat Azz, and other mesh bodies too. It seems somebody is against the whole notion of mesh bodies or rather mesh bodies made and produced by others. Somebody needs to use some common sense and see this is a vendetta?

I know LL are legally obliged to remove items when a copyright complaint is made, but the ease somebody can disrupt and ruin a business by just slapping in a DCMA and stifle an amazing product such as Wowmeh which was loved by many of us in the Pornstars group, and really on the verge of transforming things for us all is just ridiculous.

With it in mind that a spiteful person, with ulterior motive can use this tactic for harassment and trolling. LL need have a procedure in place to allow a quick pain free counter claim, to put the ball back in the court of the complainant, and let them walk the walk and take things to court asap if they are genuine, if not then business can resume as normal.

I feel sorry for anybody wrongly accused if this is the case, of copyright infringement and with a DCMA against them. We should put ourselves in their position and imagine how we would be able to deal with lawyers and a company in another country or continent in our daily lives. Some of us use SL on the down low, to suddenly have to fight a legal battle is a world away from what we came her for. It must be very difficult for some to have to give RL names and details and have things coming through the RL mail.

It is illegal to file a false DCMA, however if that person lives outside the country where it was all based, nothing really happens. Meaning it's an ideal tactic to disrupt something.

I hope the Wowmeh creators can be back in our Second Lives very soon. Even with big hitters like SLink about to release a mesh body and other big names, i feel Wowmeh is much loved already, well priced, and with a great service, i.e. the free life time updates, it will continue to make its customers happy and be there among the leading brands.

This mess needs clearing up, not only is Wowmeh and its customers effected, but anybody considering purchasing a mesh body in future will be wary now of committing, due to the fact their new buy could be pulled any moment just as the others have.

I hope the ball can resume rolling and we can have all those brilliant designers creating for us.